
Higher Education is a national campaign for free post-secondary
education at any public institution in the United States. Coordinated
by the Debs-Jones-Douglass Institute, the campaign has been introduced
to a number of academic and labor audiences and has received an enthusiastic
The first step of the campaign is relatively easy: We want to build a
critical mass of several thousand academics and students who will sign
on to a statement endorsing the campaign. We also want labor, student
and community organizations and academic associations to pass resolutions
in support of the campaign. Local activities and conferences will be planned
in areas where the campaign generates significant support.
We need your help and input on this exciting project. Below are links
to a brief statement for academics to sign on to the campaign and a sample
resolution for organizations. Please review, sign on and circulate among
your colleagues and union members. Consider organizing a house party to
raise funds for the campaign (the campaign is sponsored by the Debs-Jones-Douglass
Institute and contributions to it are tax-deductible). Contact us with
ideas for local activities.
- College/University Faculty and Staff and Students
the Statement of Academics in Support of Free Higher Education
GI Bill For Everybody, Adolph Reed, Jr.
Dissent Magazine /FALL 2001 /VOLUME 48, NUMBER 4
GI Bill of Rights fact sheet
Free for All: DJDI Working Paper